Tuesday 12 January 2010

Multiple Streams of Income Online

Money comes and money goes. These days it seems to be doing a lot more going than coming. Extra income is very hard to come by. As a work at home executive, I discovered a long time ago it is wise to put your eggs and your energy into more than one basket. Recession or not. Creative ways to finance your dreams abound, but you have to stay open to the possibilities and step out and grab viable options when you feel a good connection.

In evaluating your options, it is important to recognize which activities are just fun, interesting and mind expanding, and which activities will actually put money into your pocket. Many of my colleagues of old had a tendency to get geared up and excited about the business we were connected to but the downfall was always more focus on the POTENTIAL of what the business offered versus the work at hand that was NECESSARY to turn a profit. What did that look like? Phone calls, client contact, coaching, customer care - all the things necessary to actually generate income.

Once these activities are identified it is then realistic to understand that even the best income producing activities do not always generate profit. That is why it is key to create additional income streams. Just like mutual fund strategies, it is wise to spread your assets, which in the case of earning additional income, means time and energy. So let's look at a few options as they relate to wealth building.

Option A: Getting a part time job. We can skip this one directly because for all intents and purposes, this focuses more on creating a little extra so that you might be able to catch up on your bills - but there is no wealth building opportunity here.

Option B: Sell stuff - tangible, hands on products or services that require your specific efforts for each transaction - whether that calls for packaging and shipping or managing and consulting, it still is a swapping of hours for dollars.

Option C: Buy into a Network Marketing or multi-level marketing company, conduct training, home shows, and hotel meetings, and hopefully build a team of enthusiastic followers who duplicate the model. Been there, done that - hard, low paying work, disguised as fun and camaraderie.

Option D: Design and build an internet marketing empire from the comfort of your home. The biggest benefits are: automatic income, online training and support, payment directly into your Paypal or banking account, working on your own schedule, NO meetings and NO dealing with trying to motivate people to have a desire to go for their dreams. The coolest part of this option is that in this journey, those who join you will be there because they want to make money and they are serious about doing what it takes. And happily, the computer systems we have in place does over 95% of the training for you.

In looking over all of the options, I hope that you pick the most logical one - the one that will help you make the most money in the shortest amount of time - after all, this is business and it is time to make money, not find another hobby. Use the systems that are in place to help you create more time and money for the people and things that you enjoy.

Multiple Income Streams Online provides several profitable options to create a sound second or third avenue of revenue.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kimberley_M

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